The Rebel Health Tribe Masterclass brings together 21 of the world’s leading doctors, researchers, and experts on autoimmune disease who each present their own mini-class on a specific topic pertaining to autoimmunity. By purchasing this Lifetime Access Digital Pass, you will receive access to all video presentations as well as corresponding transcripts and audio files (to listen on the go!).
I am blown away by the content provided in these videos guys, suddenly it all comes together and makes sense.
Michael, this is the 3rd I have got from you, and by far the very best, Dr. Kara is amazing!
Once purchased you can access the Course Immediately from your My Account page. You can also login from here.Â
You access it in the same way as you do any other product from Rebel Health Tribe. Just login t o the My Account page. if you forgot your password you simply click here to retrieve and change your password.Â