Lloyd Burrell

EMF's and Electrosmog: How Big of a Toxin? How to Protect Yourself?

Lloyd shares his own experience with EMF hypersensitivity, the how and why he became an activist and educator. From there, you will learn what EMF’s actually are, the known health impact of chronic exposures (far more than you might think!), and the best ways to lessen the amount of EMF you’re exposed to on a daily basis. Viewers will receive real, actionable takeaways and steps that can be implemented right away to protect themselves and their family, and to build resilience for optimal health.

  • What is EMF Hypersensitivity? Could this be you? Signs and symptoms.
  • The research-backed known health effects of chronic low-level EMF exposure (you may be surprised!)
  • Common sources of EMF exposure at home, at work, and in our daily life
  • How to protect ourselves, lower our exposure, and build resilience
  • Everything Lloyd has learned on his decade-long journey as an EMF awareness educator and advocate!

Lloyd Burrell

One day in 2002 Lloyd Burrell answered his cell phone and soon after developed highly debilitating symptoms when using all types of electromagnetic devices in his home and workplace. Lloyd has now made it his life’s mission to raise awareness about the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and share the remarkable discoveries he’s
made on his quest to recover his health.

For over 10 years Lloyd has been speaking at on-line events, podcasts, radio shows and hosts his own bi-monthly EMF-Health podcast.

He is the author of the eBook Long Term EMF Protection, creator of the EMF Health
Summit and founder of the website ElectricSense.com.

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