Dr. Natasha Fallah

Sensitivity is Your Superpower: Detox Tips (and more) for Sensitive People

Are you highly sensitive to toxins, foods, chemicals, environments, people, touch, stress, emotions, energies…? Sensitive people can easily become overwhelmed and symptomatic in our fast-paced, overstimulating, toxic world. Instead of living in fear or avoidance, learn how to thrive as a strong and sensitive person. Join Dr. Natasha, The Sensitive Doctor, to uncover what your sensitivity is trying to tell you and how to turn it into your greatest superpower!
  • Learn the Different Types of Sensitivity
  • Heal Disconnects in your MindBodySpirit
  • Gentle Detox Tips for Sensitive People>
  • Holistic Techniques to Turn Reactivity into Resilience

Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Dr. Natasha Fallahi is The Sensitive Doctor. She is a mind-body health expert, functional medicine practitioner, energy therapist, certified autoimmune coach, and multimedia artist with an intuitive approach to living and healing. As a clinician and founder of Club Sensitive, she brings together sensitive people experiencing anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, coaching them to connect with their intuition, develop holistic rituals, overcome trauma, and meet kindred spirits.

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