Dr. Jared Seigler

Aluminum vs. the Central Nervous System and How to Protect Yourself

In this presentation, you will learn from functional neurology expert, Dr. Jared Seigler how aluminum affects you and your loved ones (and more specifically, your brains). Dr. Seigler will discuss many holes in the conventional thinking and research pertaining to aluminum, how we’re getting exposed, and learn how to best get rid of this potent neurotoxin.
  • What aluminum does in the body, and how it does it.
  • Flaws in conventional thinking and research when it comes to aluminum
  • Where it comes from – how are we getting exposed to aluminum?
  • How to detox from it – best ways to clear aluminum from our brains & bodies

Dr. Jared Seigler

Dr. Jared Seigler is a Doctor of Chiropractic and has been a Certified Functional Medicine Provider for the past 10 years. He is also trained in over 500 hundred hours of Functional Neurology to help promote growth, development, and healing of various regions in the central nervous system.

For the last 8 years, he has served the Living Proof Institute as Clinical Director. After training hundreds of clinicians in functional medicine and functional neurology, a large part of his focus is to bring awareness to the healing potential of the human body metabolically through functional medicine and promoting neuroplasticity through functional neurology to help with the rising occurrences of chronic disease and providing solutions for complex health problems.

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