Elisa Song, MD

Toxicity and the Health of Our Children: A Pediatrician's Perspective

In this presentation, integrative pediatrician, Dr. Elisa Song approaches the topic of environmental toxicity and detoxification as it relates to our children. Over HALF of kids in the US today are suffering from at least one form of chronic disease or condition – and environmental toxins play a large role in this. Viewers will learn how “detoxing” our kids starts before they’re even conceived – and shares a TON of clinical pearls to help overwhelmed and busy parents to protect and support their kids the best ways possible.
  • Many reasons why kids today actually have a shorter projected lifespan than their parents for the first time in modern history – and how we can reverse this trend.
  • Why children are more vulnerable to toxic exposures than adults, and what can be done to protect them most effectively
  • Gut health as the cornerstone to resilience in the face of a toxic world, and ways you can safely support the health of your kid’s gut
  • The best foods, practices, supplements, and lifestyle modifications to support thriving children in today’s world – and give their bodies what they need to detox optimally

Elisa Song, MD​

Dr. Elisa Song, MD is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mom to 2 thriving children. In her integrative pediatric practice, Whole Family Wellness (www.wholefamilywellness.org), she’s helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and helped their parents understand how to help their children thrive – body, mind, and spirit – by integrating conventional pediatrics with functional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and essential oils. Dr. Song created Healthy Kids Happy Kids (www.healthykidshappykids.com) as an online holistic pediatric resource to help practitioners and parents bridge the gap between conventional and integrative pediatrics with an evidence-based, pediatrician-backed approach.

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