Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (inactive)

Castor Oil Packs for Liver Detox, Lymphatic Drainage and Colon Cleansing (While You Sleep!)

Have you been putting off your annual liver detox because you’re mentally preparing yourself for the strict regimen of diet/supplements/exercise involved? What if you could get started right now, and literally do it in your sleep?

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro is a naturopathic doctor (inactive) with over a decade in clinical practice and a focus on environmental medicine and homotoxicology. She will guide you through the easy way to support liver detox, lymphatic drainage and colon cleansing with a new take on the classical practice of Castor Oil Packs. A practice that she once thought to be a “woo woo” unpractical therapy – until it transformed her life. 

  • Why your liver needs help in the modern age – doesn’t it just detox itself? 
  • Knowing the language of your body, telltale signs of toxicity and a sluggish liver
  • How dis-ease progresses from leaky gut to energy and sleep problems to hormone imbalance 
  • How a nightly Castor Oil Pack practice can help support your liver detox, lymphatic drainage and colon cleansing.

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (inactive)

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (inactive) is an award-winning author and founder of Queen of the Thrones® line of products including the original heatless, less-mess, reusable Castor Oil Pack. She went from the director of a brick and mortar detox & cleanse clinic for over a decade to CEO of an e-commerce gold mine built on the traumas in her life and transforming them into gold.

She helps people all over the world stress less and take dominion of their lives. She’s been featured on various TV programs including nationally syndicated shows Bloom & Daytime, as well as The Marilyn Denis Show in Canada. Her life’s mission is to help people unfold and understand their inner journey towards full expression of self by connecting the body, mind, and soul for infinite health.

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