25 Professional Presentations
Event Airs July 19th-21st

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25 Leading Experts Share Cutting-Edge Research, Clinical Strategies, and Practical Suggestions So You Can Navigate a Toxic World with Confidence and Safely Optimize Natural Detox!

Register NOW and Gain Immediate Access to TWO Bonus Presentations

Bonus #1:

An Introduction to Environmental Toxins
with Lara Adler, Toxicity Educator

Bonus #2:

Links Between Toxicity & Autoimmunity
w/ Dr. Datis Kharrazian

Register NOW for this FREE event and Start Watching Right NOW!

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In this 3-day virtual masterclass event, you will learn about…

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25 Expert Presentations

Lara Adler, Environmental Toxins Educator

Deep Dive: Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist

Endotoxemia: LPS, Leaky Gut, and the Microbiome’s Role in Detoxification

Dr. Christine Schaffner

The Space Between: Fascia, Lymphatics, Extracellular Matrix

Dr. Datis Kharrazian

The Links Between Toxicity & Autoimmunity

Maya Shetreat, MD

Top Ways to Detox When You’re Already Behind the 8-Ball

Jill Carnahan, MD

Biotoxin Illness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Dr. Peter Kan

Roadmap to Detoxification: The 3 Phases, Explained

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Glyphosate & Other Toxic Pesticides: Education & Protection

Brendan Vermiere, FMHP

Brain on Fire: Environmental Root Causes of Neuro-inflammation

Dr. Jared Seigler

Aluminum vs. the Central Nervous System and How to Protect Yourself

Jaclyn Downs, Functional NutriGenomics

Genetics & Detoxification: What You Need to Know

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO

The Environmental Impact on the Cancering Process

Lloyd Burrell

EMF’s and Electrosmog: How Big of a Toxin? How to Protect Yourself?

Dr. Elisa Song

Toxicity and the Health of Our Children: A Pediatrician’s Perspective

Eric Gordon, MD

Impediments & Roadblocks to Successful Detoxification

Andrea Nakayama, Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Root Causes of Detox Challenges: Addressing the Chronic Illness Epidemic

Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS

Liver Detox Gone Bust: Balancing Phase 2 Liver Detoxification

Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT

Gentle Detox: Appropriately Pacing Detoxification for People with Chronic Illness

Lane Freeman, DDS

Dental Toxicity & Natural Strategies for Optimizing Your Oral Health

Dr. Natasha Fallahi, The Sensitive Doctor

Sensitivity is Your Superpower: Detox Tips (and more) for Sensitive People

Dr. Vivian Chen

Obesogens: The Missing Link in Weight Loss + Common Detox Blocks!

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (inactive)

Castor Oil Packs for Liver Detox, Lymphatic Drainage and Colon Cleansing (While You Sleep!)

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal

It’s All Connected: The Liver, Mental Health, and More

Sara Russell, PhD, FNTP

Toxic Exposures and Your Fertility: Plastics, Fragrance, Metals, and More

Emily Givler

Microplastics: How to Protect Yourself and Reduce Your Impact

Register NOW for this FREE event and Start Watching Right NOW!

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