Sara Russell

Toxic Exposures and Your Fertility: Plastics, Fragrance, Metals, and More

Description: This presentation will cover the key toxic exposure areas to be aware of before trying to conceive. I will present information in an empowering framework with practical action steps that you will be able to implement right away. In particular, the framing of the information aims to provide information and action steps in a framework that decreases anxiety rather than increasing it.
  • The key toxic exposure areas to be aware of if you’re pregnant, nursing, or looking to conceive
  • How to limit the most dangerous toxic exposures for parents and baby
  • Keeping things practical: Action steps that you can actually follow through on
  • A healthy emotional approach to toxic exposure awareness: Empowerment vs. Overwhelm

Sara Russell

Sara Russell is a homesteader, polyglot, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and mom. Her clinical and mentoring work is centered around the belief that food should be used as a tool of love and healing.

In the late 1970s, Sara’s life changed drastically as she and her family were forced to flee Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. They lived in extreme poverty until settling in a small town in Central Italy. Here Sara gained a lifelong appreciation for gardening and wildcrafting—she foraged for medicinal herbs, mushrooms, chestnuts, and rose hips and raised chickens and ducks.

Diagnoses of multiple chronic illnesses impacted Sara’s worldview. However, the gift of motherhood grounded the importance of health and wellness in Sara’s life. Holding her newborn in her arms, she decided to leave her academic career and pursue a vocation in functional nutrition.

For close to a decade, Sara has run an active nutritional therapy practice, offered mentoring to other entrepreneurial nutritionists, and authored three robust family-building courses—the Feed Your Body, Grow Your Family!™ series. She holds a Ph.D. in Italian Studies from U.C. Berkeley and is a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association. She and her son live in Tuscany on a thriving farm of olive trees, kiwis, and rabbits.

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