Welcome to AutoImmune Masterclass Affiliate Resource Center

Hello Valued Affiliate Partners!

On this page you will find everything needed to create a successful promotion for our upcoming Autoimmune Masterclass Re-Screening Event – including: affiliate sign-up, login portal, banners, images, quote cards, and swipe copy!

As an affiliate partner, you’ll earn 50% ($33.50) per sale on the basic digital package, and you’ll also earn 50% ($48.50) on the masterclass bundle upsell.

If you are one of the featured speakers, we’ll have at least one personalized quote card for you to post on social media, as well as a customized landing page with a 2-3 min video clip from your presentation – which will help boost your opt-in conversions!

All promo materials will be ready by Monday, October 18th. (For new presenters, this will depend on your recording date) Promotion begins on 10/26.

Affiliates on the original promotion of this masterclass earned an average of just over $2.50/lead and we’re confident we’ll see numbers higher than that as we add several new presentations and increase the value of the offering!

Autoimmune Masterclass Dates & Lineup

DAY 1 Lineup (Saturday, November 13th):

  • Dr. Datis KharrazianThe Role of Molecular Mimicry in Autoimmunity
  • Kiran KrishnanMicrobiome & The GutClinical Solutions from Ground Zero of Autoimmunity 
  • Dr. Natasha FallahiFlare Care: A Mind+Body Approach to Calming Autoimmune Flare-Ups
  • Dr. Jolene BrightenPotential Connections Between Birth Control & Autoimmunity (And what you can do about it)
  • Dr. Titus Chiu | When Diet is Not Enough – A Functional Neurology Approach to Anxiety & Autoimmunity
  • Jennifer FugoAutoimmune Conditions of the Skin & Natural Solutions
  • Lindsay Mitchell | The Brain & Body Connection: Discovering Your Body’s Natural Resilience
  • Torea Rodriguez | Autoimmune from 30,000 ft. – Triggers, Root Causes, and Practical Solutions
  • Dr. Jared Seigler | Three’s A Crowd? Infections and Immune Responses
  • Felice Gersh, MD Immune Function, Males, and Females: An Overview
  • Michael McEvoyRCCX: Autoimmunity, Psychiatric Illness, Emotional Processing, and Joint Hypermobility

DAY 2 (Sunday, November 14th):

  • Dr. Terry WahlsDietary Approaches to Wellness: The Wahls Protocol (for Autoimmunity)
  • Dr. Christine SchaffnerChronic Hidden Infections, Lyme Disease, EMF’s and Autoimmunity: Investigations & Solutions
  • Dr. Keesha EwersThe HURT Model – Connections Between Trauma, Emotions, & Autoimmune Disease
  • Dr. Kara FitzgeraldOptimizing Epigenetic Expression: Focus on Autoimmunity
  • Dr. Maya ShetreatNature & Earth Medicine for Autoimmunity
  • Dr. Alejandra CarrascoFunctional Lab Testing for Autoimmune Disease
  • Dr. Carrie JonesHow Does Your Cortisol Affect Your Autoimmune Symptoms?
  • Dr. Kirk GairCold Laser Therapy as Effective, Non-Invasive Treatment for Autoimmunity
  • Marc Ryan, L.Ac. | The Five Elements of Thyroid Autoimmunity – Part I & II
  • Dr. Achina Stein | Psychiatric Manifestations of Autoimmune Disorders


Important Dates

October 26th – November 13th
Promotional Window for Masterclass Event

November 13th-14th
Masterclass Event Airs | Half of the presentations on Saturday, half on Sunday. (See below for schedule)

November 15th
Encore screening of ALL presentations. NOTE: Affiliates who shared the encore earned significantly more commissions and a higher $/lead

NOTE: You will receive access to all NEW affiliate assets no later than October 18th. We are currently revising, editing, and improving the assets used for this event.

QUESTIONS? Please email Whitney@rebelhealthtribe.com with any questions or concerns you might have.

Affiliate Center Login | Click Here 

Commission Offer & Payment Details

Affiliates will be eligible for 50% commissions on the Lifetime Digital Access package sales for the Autoimmune Masterclass, as well as 50% on an upsell bundle that includes our Autoimmune Masterclass and Microbiome Masterclass.

Note: Any leads you sent for the original screening are still tagged, and you’ll earn commission on those leads as well.

Payment Requirement: Prior to payment you must submit an IRS W9 Form to whitney@rebelhealthtribe.com unless you already have an updated on on file with Rebel Health Tribe.

IRS W-9 Required Form

Affiliate Email & Social Swipe Copy

Pro-Tips: We do our best to provide high-quality, high-converting swipe, but no one knows your audience better than you. For BEST results, be sure to customize this copy to fit your “voice.” Increase clicks and commissions by up to 50%: If you can, plan to send emails to “unopens” within 24 to 48 hours after your initial send. In other words, if you mail on a Monday and your open rate is 16%, send another email on Wednesday to people on your list who did not open the Monday email. You can expect an open rate for the resend of between 6 – 8%. Other notes: Be sure to pay attention to highlighted areas.
  • Sections that are highlighted in PINK are meant for PRESENTERS only. If you’re an affiliate that did NOT have a presentation in the Masterclass, simply delete these sections in your copy.
  • Blue highlights need customization. Be sure to add your own name, sigh off and appropriate code for your greeting or . 
  • Red underlined text is where to place your affiliate link. <=
    • Remember to delete the red affiliate link text!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Whitney at whitney@rebelhealthtribe.com. She’d be more than happy to help!

Affiliate Email #1: Suggested Send Between 10/26 – 11/6 [.PDF]  

Pre-launch Swipe (send between October 26 – November 6th)
Autoimmune Masterclass Affiliate Email #1

Subject Options

       Join Me on a Personal Mission to Help Millions with Autoimmunity

       Real Solutions to the Global Autoimmune Epidemic

       Suffering From Autoimmunity? This is For You.

       Autoimmune diseases are rampant. Here are some solutions.


Email Content

Hi [First Name],

Are you aware that over 50,000,000 people in the United States alone have been diagnosed with at least one of over 125 known autoimmune conditions?

How about the fact that autoimmune diseases cost the US well over $100 BILLION annually?

Combined, autoimmune disease makes up the most widespread chronic disease epidemic in our country today – and quickly increasing in the rest of the world as well.

There are many factors responsible for the meteoric rise in autoimmune diseases over the last several decades, including:

       Poor Diet: The Standard American Diet consists largely of highly processed foods lacking in vital nutrients, but high in toxic preservatives, rancid oils, food coloring and more… which

       Stress: Most people are chronically stressed which can cause “leaky gut,” impair brain function, and trigger systemic inflammatory cascades that don’t turn off.

       Environmental Toxins: Things like pesticides and herbicides can wreak havoc on your beneficial gut flora and confuse and impair your immune system.

       Lost Contact with the Natural World: The majority of people don’t spend enough time outside in nature. This cuts us off from the type of microbes with which we’ve evolved, and which help strengthen & train our immune system to deal with viruses and other pathogens.

       Chronic & Stealth Infections: Viruses, tick-borne infections, mold toxicity, and other biotoxins can wreak havoc on the communication and function of your immune system.

These and many other factors can impact our genetic expression leading to never-ending inflammatory cascades and faulty targeting of our own tissues and organs. Symptoms of autoimmunity can include:

       Depression, Anxiety, Brain Fog

       Digestive Issues

       Chronic Fatigue

       Joint and Other Chronic Pain

       Skin Rashes

       Loss of Motor Function/Control

       Neurological Damage

…And many, many more (and more severe/dangerous) debilitating symptoms.

With many of these disorders at epidemic levels, I’d say we need a crash course on identifying and reversing autoimmune disease.

That’s exactly what my friend Michael and the team at Rebel Health Tribe have done.

They’ve created an essential Autoimmune Masterclass. <= [Affiliate Link]

You see, for Michael, this isn’t just about the 50,000,000+ people in the US who have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, the long list of debilitating symptoms, or any other staggering statistics…

It’s personal.

Over the last 4 years, Michael’s wife, Mira, has experienced several serious autoimmune flares which have led to conflicting diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), various forms of rheumatism, Reynaud’s syndrome, and a few others.

These flares present with excruciating full-body joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, mood swings, dizziness, loss of circulation to fingers & toes, and other horrible symptoms.

After watching her own aunt suffer from, and eventually succumb to SLE, the dangerous, multi-system autoimmune disease (and the extreme medications conventionally used to control it), this has been a very scary diagnosis, to say the least.

A competitive powerlifter and ER nurse, both her passion and career were in jeopardy – not to mention their future, her life, etc

She was told she may not be able to lift anymore – and that competing in the future was probably out of the question.

Michael reached out to his network of amazing functional Doctors, practitioners, researchers, and experts for help. They put together a team, and implemented a very comprehensive functional approach to calming her immune system and reversing the condition.

Almost 11 months to the day that her first flare started, Mira competed in a powerlifting meet – stronger than she was before she got sick.

After going through this terrifying situation, he and the team at Rebel Health Tribe decided they needed to share everything that was learned along her healing journey.

That’s why, back in 2019, they assembled 16 leading doctors, practitioners, researchers, and autoimmune experts – several who were part of their own personal healing team – to share their knowledge, expertise, and experience with you.

That initial launch of the Masterclass reached tens of thousands of people and changed countless lives. Now… they’ve added six new high-level presentations on topics that weren’t covered the first time!

Now consisting of 22 professional presentations on Autoimmunity, the RHT Autoimmune Masterclass is one of the most comprehensive AI-related resources out there… and they’re screening the whole thing for free!!

The Autoimmune Masterclass <= [Affiliate Link] was created with the goal of inspiring, educating, and empowering millions who suffer from autoimmune disease – so that they, too, might be able to regain their vitality and return to a higher quality of life!

These aren’t just interviews like you might have seen before—these are full slideshow presentations containing the most up-to-date, groundbreaking information..

Plus, these presentations contain practical guidelines and simple action steps you can take right away to start things moving in the right direction.

Best of all, this virtual weekend conference is completely free to attend and you don’t even need to leave your home.

I am both excited and honored to be part of this amazing offering, and I hope you’ll sign up, check out my presentation, and watch all the others as well!

Simply Save Your Seat Here! <= [Affiliate Link]

I’ll see you there!

[Sign Off]

P.S. This online event goes live the weekend of Nov. 13th-14th. Save Your Seat Now! <= [Affiliate Link]

Affiliate Email #2: Suggested Send Week of 11/7 [.PDF]  

Pre-launch Swipe (Suggested Send Week of 11/7)
Autoimmune Masterclass Affiliate Email #2

NOTE: There are personal mentions in this email that might need to be edited a little bit if you’re one of the experts mentioned. (Dr. Carrasco, Dr. Jones, Dr. Wahls, Dr. Kharrazian) This email also references “this weekend”, so don’t send during the week prior unless you change that!

Subject Options

       What are you doing this weekend?

       I’m excited for this weekend. Here’s why…

       Incredible autoimmune event this weekend.

       The most impactful way you can spend your weekend.


Email Content

Hi [First Name],

You’ve probably heard of Multiple Sclerosis, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and/or Celiac disease…

…but did you know that these diseases, along with over 100 others, can actually be considered a singular condition?

That condition is autoimmune disease, and over 50 MILLION people in the United States have been diagnosed with at least one autoimmune condition.

Combined, AI disease impacts more people, and leads to more early death, than any other chronic health condition.

If you’re not one of them, it’s almost guaranteed someone close to you is.

That’s the scary news.

The good news is that, over the last few years, there have been huge discoveries and breakthroughs pertaining to the identification, management, and even reversal of autoimmunity. (Which was once thought to be impossible.)

My friend Michael, co-founder of Rebel Health Tribe, felt the impact of autoimmunity in a very personal way a few years ago when his wife suffered a very serious autoimmune flare that turned out to be Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).

Over the course of a frantic several months, he dove into all the research, reached out to all of his friends and colleagues in the functional medicine world, and put together a great team of practitioners to help her calm the flare, recover, and thrive.

I’m happy to report that she’s doing great – and just (this past weekend) competed in a powerlifting meet, something she was told less than a year ago that she’d likely never be able to do again!

This powerful experience has inspired Michael to bring together 22 leading Doctors, practitioners, researchers, and autoimmune experts (including those who were on their personal healing team) to share with you all that was learned and implemented along the way!

I’m grateful to be included in this empowering Autoimmune Masterclass <= [Affiliate Link] which airs for free this weekend!

Did you know that, under the right (or wrong?) conditions, your body can produce antibodies to proteins in the foods you eat – and that those antibodies may also target your own tissues?

This is called molecular mimicry and it will be discussed by world-renowned Neuroimmunologist, Dr. Datis Kharrazian. (This is one reason why there’s no one-size-fits-all diet!)

How about the fact that a healthy cortisol (yes, that cortisol, that we often hear is “bad” for us) spike is essential for your body’s effort to identify and destroy rogue autoimmune cells?

You will learn about this Cortisol Activation Response from Dr. Carrie Jones – who spends much of her time educating doctors and practitioners, as well as speaking internationally on all-things hormone-related.

Confused about lab testing?

Dr. Alejandra Carrasco, best-selling author, and lead doctor in the treatment of Michael’s wife, will be sharing her exact approach to functional lab testing for autoimmunity.

Want to be inspired?

Join Dr. Terry Wahls to hear her remarkable story of reversing her own progressive multiple sclerosis – from wheelchair-bound to 18+ mile bike races in under a year! (I dare you not to cry!)

There literally isn’t a stone left unturned in this completely comprehensive series of highly educational presentations, so Grab Your Spot Now! <= [Affiliate Link]

As part of this incredible Masterclass, you will learn about:

       The many potential root causes and triggers of autoimmunity

       The role of genetics in the development of autoimmune conditions (You’re not doomed!)

       How to identify autoimmune conditions with thorough investigation and functional lab work

       Several ways that stress and trauma (physical and emotional) can contribute to the development of autoimmunity – and what you can do to reduce stress levels and heal deep wounds

       The connection between an unhealthy microbiome and the development of systemic inflammation and autoimmunity – and how to restore it

       Cutting-edge therapies and treatment options available to calm, manage, and reverse autoimmune disease

These topics and MUCH more will be covered in great detail – and you will walk away inspired, empowered, and ready to take back control of your health! (and help those in your life with AI!)

Oh, and in case you missed it, this online weekend seminar is completely free to attend.

You just need to let them know you’re coming! <= [Affiliate Link]

I’ll be there too!

[Sign off]

P.S. This event is THIS weekend so Save Your Seat Here! <= [Affiliate Link]


Affiliate Email #3: “Starts Tomorrow” Email Send Nov 12th [.PDF]  

Starts Tomorrow Email ( Send November 12th)
Autoimmune Masterclass Affiliate Email #3

NOTE: This quick/short email contains name-mentions for every presenter, so you’ll have to go in and take yours out/edit the email a little, or else it will sound a little strange 🙂 Don’t forget to remove the orange highlight!

Subject Options

       This starts tomorrow [First Name].

       [Reminder] Re: Autoimmune Masterclass


Email Content

Hi [First Name],

Just a quick reminder…

By now you’ve probably heard about The Autoimmune Masterclass from Rebel Health Tribe. (a lot of people are talking about it).

Well, it starts tomorrow so if you haven’t saved your seat yet, please head over and sign up! <= [Affiliate Link]

This event is being hosted by my good friend Michael, and the team over at Rebel Health Tribe.

For the past 4 or 5 years, they’ve become well known and trusted for bringing together the most knowledgeable experts and sharing the most cutting-edge health information.

That’s why I’m always excited when they put events like this together (especially when they ask me to be a part of it!) because I know the information will be the best.

Here’s a rundown of the amazing teachers for this seminar…

       Dr. Datis Kharrazian

       Dr. Jolene Brighten

       Kiran Krishnan

       Dr. Maya Shetreat

       Dr. Terry Wahls

       Dr. Christine Schaffner

       Dr. Kirk Gair

       Dr. Keesha Ewers

       Jennifer Fugo

       Dr. Carrie Jones

       Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

       Dr. Alejandra Carrasco

       Michael McEvoy

       Dr. Jared Seigler

       Dr. Titus Chiu

       Dr. Natasha Fallahi

       Marc Ryan, LAc

       Dr. Felice Gersh

       Dr. Achina Stein

       Lindsay Mitchell

       Torea Rodriguez

That’s a pretty impressive lineup that you’ll be learning from!

And these aren’t just interviews… They are full-blown presentations with the most cutting-edge information and solutions!

So go now to Save Your Seat! <= [Affiliate Link]

I’ll see you there tomorrow!

[Sign Off]

P.S. This seminar is this weekend only so Register For Free Now! <= [Affiliate Link]



Affiliate Email #4: “Encore Day” Email Send Nov 15th [.PDF]  

Encore Day Email (Send November 15th)
Autoimmune Masterclass Affiliate Email #4

NOTE: Totally optional, but I’m sure you know that sending for the encore increases sales/earnings by around 40%!

>> Also name mentions in here, be sure to edit as to not refer to yourself in 3rd person…

Subject Options

       Extended by one day, don’t miss it.

       This Ends Today, Catch it While You Can.

       Autoimmune Masterclass [Encore TODAY]


Email Content

Hi [First Name],


There have been many amazing online events in the functional health world the last few years – but if you’re looking for help in preventing, managing, or even reversing autoimmune disease, you have to jump over and catch the encore presentation of Rebel Health Tribe’s Autoimmune Masterclass! <= [Affiliate Link]

It aired this past weekend, but they’re doing an encore for anyone who missed it – or didn’t get to catch all the presentations they wanted to see.

You will find my presentation on [Fill in subject/title of your presentation], along with world-class presentations from 21 other doctors, researchers, and experts on autoimmunity – all for free, TODAY only!

These are not skimpy interviews filled with book pitches and fluff.

They are information-packed presentations covering all aspects of the autoimmune epidemic impacting tens of millions of lives in the United States and even more around the world.

If you don’t suffer from an autoimmune condition, a family member, co-worker, or close friend probably does.

Please forward this email to them.

My friend Michael, co-founder at Rebel Health Tribe, and his team, created this Masterclass after going through a serious autoimmune scare with his wife last year.

Long story short (because I don’t want to take up any more time you could be spending watching these presentations!)…

He was so blown away by the incredible reversal of his wife’s Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) that he brought together their team of practitioners and a dozen more experts to create a fully comprehensive resource for those facing one of over 120+ autoimmune conditions!

Autoimmune disease used to be looked at as something that might be slowed with powerful steroids and immunosuppressant drugs (with serious side effects), but would always get progressively worse over time.

Much has changed in the last decade, even within the last few years.

We now know it is possible to stop the progression, and even reverse many autoimmune conditions.

This Masterclass teaches you how.

Hop on over and catch this life-changing masterclass right now. <= [Affiliate Link]

You won’t be disappointed!

[Sign Off]



Affiliate Social Media Swipe [.PDF]


Autoimmune Masterclass Social Media Swipe Content

Social Media Swipe #1 | Short Pre-Launch: Post Oct 26th – Nov 7th

50,000,000 people in the US have been diagnosed with at least one of over 120 known autoimmune conditions.

You’re likely either one of them, or have someone close to you who is.

After experiencing a serious autoimmune situation with his wife last year, my friend Michael and his team over at Rebel Health Tribe have put together everything they learned, and used, in their own healing journey with the goal of inspiring and empowering millions to regain their lives.

It will air the weekend of Nov. 13th/14th – and features 22 of the world’s leading doctors, practitioners, researchers, and experts on all things autoimmune.

The best part? It’s totally free to watch.

Not everyone has access to a full team of functional doctors and practitioners like Michael and his wife did – so they’ve decided to change that…

I’m excited and honored to be part of this Autoimmune Masterclass, which you can sign up for here → [Affiliate Link]

Social Media Swipe #2 | Short Pre-Launch: Oct 26th – Nov 7th

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Crohn’s disease, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and Graves’ disease.

What do all of these conditions have in common? They’re all autoimmune – the body’s immune system attacking itself.

These are just 8 of over 120 known autoimmune conditions – with more being discovered all the time. Combined, they make up the most widespread chronic health crisis in America today.

Over 50,000,000 people in the US alone have been diagnosed with at least one autoimmune disease. If you haven’t, it’s very likely that someone in your life has.

If that’s the case, I highly recommend attending this free online Masterclass from Rebel Health Tribe – which airs Nov. 13th & 14th.

It’s completely free to watch, features myself and 21 other leading autoimmune experts – with the goal of inspiring and empowering millions to regain their lives and vitality.

Don’t miss the Autoimmune Masterclass, reserve your spot today [Affiliate Link]

Social Media Swipe #3 | Long Pre-Launch: Oct 26th – Nov 7th

Did you know that over 50 MILLION people in the United States have been diagnosed with at least one autoimmune disease?

If that’s you, I recommend you click below to grab your spot at the upcoming Autoimmune Masterclass from Rebel Health Tribe!

If you aren’t part of that statistic, fantastic! Odds are that you know someone who is.

Maybe a friend, family member, or co-worker.

If so, please share this with them.

You might be familiar with some of the most common conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Crohn’s disease, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and Graves’ disease – but did you know that the number of known autoimmune diseases is now over 120 (and growing)?

Until recently, it was thought that one might be able to slow the progression of an autoimmune disease (with the use of powerful steroid and immunosuppressant drugs) – but that was it.

“Incurable”, “Life-Long”, “Progressive”, “Degenerative” – these were the words most often used when discussing autoimmunity.

Not anymore. Much has changed in the last decade – especially in the last few years.

My friend Michael, co-founder of Rebel Health Tribe, experienced a serious autoimmune scare with his wife a little less than a year ago.

She went from active, 30 year-old, full-time ER nurse and competitive powerlifter to full-body joint pain, severe fatigue, brain fog, and nearly bed-ridden in less than a month.

She was misdiagnosed with “non-specific connective tissue disorder” and a form of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her Rheumatologist said “here are your steroids and immunosuppressants, we’ll see you again in 6 months.”

She was told to consider a career change, that she may not be able to lift weights anymore, and would probably never compete again. That was last summer.

Michael began frantically researching everything he could and reached out to his network of functional medicine doctors, practitioners, researchers, and experts.

Together with their functional MD and team of expert consultants, it was discovered that she actually had Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) – a serious, multi-system, multi-organ autoimmune condition. The same disease that took the life of her aunt.

They formulated a plan and put it into action.

1 month later, she was able to return to work. 3 months later, she was back in the gym. 6 months later, she was 95% symptom free.

On May 4th, 2019 she will be returning to competitive powerlifting.

While they are very grateful for her amazing recovery, and the support they received from Michael’s community of functional doctors, practitioners, and researchers – he knows that most people don’t have the knowledge and connections he does.

That’s why he and the team over at Rebel Health Tribe created this Autoimmune Masterclass – to share the information, knowledge, experience, and practical solutions that are being used to not only stop the progression of autoimmune diseases – but to actually reverse them.

Myself and 21 other experts (including several from their own personal healing team) will cover all aspects of autoimmunity via information-packed presentations.

We’ll be covering everything related to autoimmunity.

Common symptoms, functional lab testing options, root causes & triggers, along with dozens of practical actions steps you can begin taking immediately.

This will be a no-fluff powerhouse combination of natural, traditional healing methods and cutting-edge science that will inspire and empower you to take control of your health and regain your life.

Grab your spot now → [Affiliate Link]

Social Media Swipe #4 | “Starts Tomorrow” Post on Nov 12th

Looking for a crash course on reversing autoimmune conditions?

I’ve got you covered.

My good friend Michael and the team over at Rebel Health Tribe have pulled together the top minds in this field to cover the topic as you’ve never seen before.

Check out The Autoimmune Masterclass starting tomorrow.! It is a free 2-day event loaded with knowledge and actionable steps that will make your body smile.

Reserve your space here → [Affiliate Link]

Social Media Swipe #5 | “Starts Tomorrow” Post on Nov 12th

Hey there! What are you doing this weekend?

Getting some time outside is definitely a great idea, but also make some time to dive into one of the most anticipated events of the year!

The Autoimmune Masterclass, hosted by my friends over at Rebel Health Tribe – it will change your life and the life of our future generations!

Woh… is that ever a HUGE statement… and it’s absolutely true!

It is not just another summit, this is a 2-day course full of experts sharing presentations on in-depth topics related to all aspects of autoimmunity.

This is the #1 chronic health crisis today, impacting over 50,000,000 people in the United States alone! It is free and starts tomorrow.. Save your seat here → [Affiliate Link]



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