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Science Demonstrating the Effects of LPS Endotoxemia


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Kiran Krishnan:

So here are some studies that show what LPS does in the gut. I’ll give you a quick summary. I could do a two hour, and I have done a two hour talk, just on this part alone, but this will be a quick summary. This is a study published by the American Diabetic Association showing that metabolic endotoxemia, that is the movement of LPS from the Lumen past the mucosal layer, past the intestinal barrier into the circulatory system in response to eating food, that’s what it’s called, metabolic endotoxemia, initiates obesity and insulin resistance. It’s the cause of weight gain. It’s the cause of metabolic syndrome. It’s the cause of insulin resistance.

So it occurs first prior to weight gain coming on, prior to insulin resistance, and everything else that falls under metabolic syndrome. This second study just shows you that it does it through something called a CD14 dependent method. What’s important about that is we know that CD14 activation of the immune system is a type of inflammation that drives most chronic illnesses. So we know that this dysfunction in the gut is activating the immune system through a CD14 method. This also shows you, this was a discussion we were having on Facebook just recently, this shows you that this lipopolysaccharide, this LPS which causes inflammation in the mucosa and starts to penetrate closer to the intestinal epithelium, will actually cause intestinal type junction permeability, both in vitro and in vivo model. So when you have this dysfunctional microbiota, you have a disrupted mucosa, LPS is allowed to migrate closer to the intestinal epithelium.

It sets off an inflammatory pathway and an inflammatory process that ends up hurting the intestinal tight junctions and then you end up with this localized expression of toll-like receptor four and again, that CD14 activated immune response. So the localized activation of CD14 and toll-like receptor four lead to tight junction dysfunction. And also, as I mentioned, plays a role in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Here’s a bunch of studies that show that LPS migrating through actually induce and can induce autoimmune disease in experimentally induce autoimmune conditions.So we knowthat it can act as the environmental trigger that’s required for the induction of autoimmune disease. So it plays a significant role in immune dysfunctions. Here’s a study that shows that it plays the primary role in setting up the inflammatory process in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s.

So gut derive LPS that moves from the lumen past the barriers because now the barriers are messed up because you are dysbiotic, it enters the circulatory system, enters the brain, and starts the process of inflammatory response in the brain itself, which sets up Alzheimer’s disease.



Kiran Krishnan

About our Guest

Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 17 years. He comes from a strict research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. He left University research to take a position as the U.S. Business Development and Product Development lead for Amano Enzyme, USA. Amano is one of the world’s largest suppliers of therapeutic enzymes used in the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries in North America. Kiran also established a Clinical Research Organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition.

Kiran is also a co-founder and partner in Nu Science Trading, LLC.; a nutritional technology development, research and marketing company in the U.S. Dietary Supplement and Medical Food markets. Most recently, Kiran is acting as the Chief Scientific Officer at Physician’s Exclusive, LLC. and Microbiome Labs. He has developed over 50 private label nutritional products for small to large brands in the global market. He is a frequent lecturer on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences. He conducts the popular monthly Microbiome Series Webinars through the Rebel Health Tribe Group practitioner training program, is an expert guest on National Radio and Satellite radio and has been a guest speaker on several Health Summits as a microbiome expert. He is currently involved in 9 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome.

Kiran is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for 5 other companies in the industry. Kiran offers his extensive knowledge and practical application of the latest science on the human microbiome as it relates to health and wellness.

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