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[Webinar] New Partner Spotlight: ecoNugenics

New Partner Spotlight: ecoNugenics

with Dr. Isaac Eliaz, Founder & Formulator – ecoNugenics


  • Learn about a molecule you’ve probably never heard of with 80,000 studies linking it to advanced aging and all forms of chronic disease – including cancer.
  • An in-depth discussion on glyphosate, the impact it has on our health, and what we can do about it.
  • An introduction to what is now RHT’s #1 recommended systemic nutritional supplement, hands down.
  • Supports for blood sugar dysregulation and metabolic syndrome – contributing factors to countless mental and physical health diseases
  • Meeting Dr. Eliaz! He’s a world-renown researcher, clinician, and mind-body healer – a uniquely brilliant and warm-hearted doctor!



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Webinar Transcript

Michael Roesslein:

I am going to introduce you a little bit because we have never recorded anything together or done any podcast, so our audience might not be familiar with your work. And there’s a lot that I could have chose. You have a very, very long and distinguished biography. You’ve been doing a lot of very interesting things for a long time. I’m going to do the best I can with it. But Dr. Isaac Eliaz has been… And you’re an MD, you’re a licensed acupuncturist and you have a master’s degree, right?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:


Michael Roesslein:

Yeah. Okay. He’s been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early ’80s when I doubt the term integrative medicine was even used with a focus on cancer, immune health, detoxification, and mind-body medicine. He’s a respected formulator, clinician, researcher, author, and educator, and a lifelong student and practitioner of Buddhist meditation. That’s what I found so fascinating when reading about Dr. Eliaz and reading his book and talking to him is really very, very holistic in mind-body approach to medicine.

He’s got 30 plus years of training and experience, a highly skilled practitioner who offers unique holistic approach to health and healing, and has an extensive background in traditional Asian medicine, complimentary modalities, Western medicine, research. He’s founded Amitabha. Did I pronounce that correctly?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yes. Amitabha.

Michael Roesslein:

Amitabha Medical Clinic in Santa Rosa, California, where patients come from around the world to receive cutting-edge patient-centered treatments and care. He’s also the formulator behind the products that we’re going to learn about from ecoNugenics, and he’s got protocols and treatments that have been validated and peer-reviewed literature, I believe PectaSol, which we’re going to learn about has 75 studies. He regularly lectures at medical conferences, scientific meetings on the use of these, and other therapies for cancer, complex chronic diseases.

There’s a lot more I could get into, but I want to get out of the way and let him present what he’s going to present to you. So thank you, Dr. Elias, for being here. And I’m going to be part of the audience with everybody else.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Great. Yeah. Thank you for the opportunity and for covering briefly my background. Today, I will specifically focus on a certain aspect of my background. As you said, I’m a clinician and a healer in my heart. Mind-body medicine is something I’ve practiced and trained for decades in an unusual way. I’m also a researcher. I have large in-aid grants even, so it’s an unusual hybrid. But today, I’m going to focus specifically on my formulations of supplements and explain very practically why they’re effective and how to use them. And hopefully in the future, we can pick on some other topics. So with that in mind, I’ll get started.

Michael Roesslein:

I might sneak a couple mind-body questions in here just for my own entertainment.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Of course, of course.

Michael Roesslein:

But yeah, we’ll definitely do a podcast and another interview that’s a lot more focused on-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Of course.

Michael Roesslein:

… and there’s a lot of things we could talk about. It looks great. I can see it.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yeah. Mind-body medicine is again it’s… I mean, I’ve spent decades training. I spent 10 years doing a half-day retreat for 20 years, two months even in the mountains. And I was fortunate to be the doctor of the most legendary meditation masters in the Himalayas that were my patient and I learned from and part of what I call open-heart medicine. And it’s really part of why PectaSol actually is a unique product because I got to it on one end through my meditation, and I will explain it in the moment.

And then, on the other end, I got it through my research and formulation through biochemistry, and it comes together. And I’ll try to explain it even when we are talking more specifically about very practical advice.

Michael Roesslein:


Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

EcoNugenics is a really an unparalleled company in the realm of dietary supplements in the US definitely, in that it’s not a gigantic company, but it’s truly dedicated to science with over 80 publications altogether for all of our products, close to 80 on PectaSol. And so we’re dedicated to scientific innovation. We’re dedicated to validation. I’ll give an example of it later on and to research, but this coming from a very holistic point of view, which means I don’t formulate just based on research. The research is my validation for the multidimensional way in which I formulate and people in my team support me and help me out. So I will try to provide a reflection of this.

About my background, you already described it. I’m the author of the book Survival Paradox, which really explains why this concept of The Survival Paradox, why drives every chronic disease and affects the quality of our life. These are some of the research institute that I’ve collaborated with and collaborating with actively. They said right now we have a very large grant from the NIH. Actually, at least studying the effects of removal of galectin-3 via therapeutic apheresis. Filtration of the plasma for sepsis of all conditions, which is relevant to COVID of course.

Our flagship product is PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin, which is available in different forms, and it really supports optimal aging. As I say here, it has the bullet point of balanced immunity, healthy inflammation, detoxification, heart health, actually organ health, and cellular function. I will briefly present why, in my opinion, based on my decades of clinical experience, PectaSol is the most important supplement anyone can take. And so you will understand why not only because of what it does on its own, also because of its synergistic effect and because it addresses the driver of acute and chronic diseases of all kinds.

And this is something we didn’t know when I started my journey in this field almost 30 years ago. So what is PectaSol? PectaSol is Modified Citrus Pectin. Citrus pectin is a long chain of carbohydrate of galacturonic acid, and it is present in different fruit. It’s present in the inner peel of the citrus fruit and in the white parts. And this is a regular unmodified pectin, which is a large molecular weight. It stays in the gut, and it can bind to some toxins, with some cholesterol in the gut. It has some health benefits.

You’ll see how we use regular pectin later on, but PectaSol is fundamentally different. It’s modified by enzymatic and pH process and heat in a reproducible way obviously after 27 years. And it creates a low molecular weight specific structure that gets absorbed into the system. And that’s where it exerts its biological effects and benefits.

So how does it do it? PectaSol addresses a protein called galectin-3. Galectin-3 is a carbohydrate, a sugar-binding protein. So it has an end terminal, a lot of amino acid, which are a proline-glycine-alanine repeat motif and that it has this thing called carbohydrate recognition domain. And here is where it binds to different ligands, different molecules that contains sugar within them. So oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and these ligands will drive our survival response.

So what do I mean? We are all built to survive innately as a community, as a person, our organs, all the way to the cellular level. And this survival, it is built within us, is automated through the nervous system, through the autonomic nervous system by creating a sympathetic fight or flight. Fight, which creates inflammation in the cytokine storm we’re all aware of with the grave consequences. And flight, which makes us run away and hide, creating fibrosis and organ dysfunction. So this is why it’s a paradox. And this is driven by galectin-3.

Galectin-3 senses crisis, emotional, physiological, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, traumas, genetic, epigenetic. It picks up the necessary ligands to address the injury and the response of the body. Let’s remember, it’s inflammation. It’s overproduction of immune response. It gets activated, and it produces a lattice formation. It produces a pentamer and then one pentamer binds to another and you create a lattice formation, a coating, a biofilm in the gut and atherosclerotic plaque, a microenvironment around a cancer cell where the metabolism changes become acidotic, there’s no oxygen coming, and that’s where you get your damage. If it’s diabetes, if it’s cancer, if it’s autoimmunity, it’s driven by similar way.

The PectaSol, the Modified Citrus Pectin, comes with the galectin-3. It dislodges the ligand and breaks down this nasty lattice formation, allowing the body to heal itself, allowing oxygen to come to the tissue. Cutting is the ongoing microenvironment, which perpetuate inflammation, allowing immunotherapy to respond, for example, in cancer, et cetera, et cetera.

So because of its very broad effect, because it inhibits galectin-3 for total body health, if you look at our publications, there are about 10,000 papers on galectin-3, 10,000, and they’re close to 80 just on our product. And when you look, you’ll see papers on kidney health, heart health, lack of oxygen to the brain, liver issues, immunity issues, sepsis, oncological support. How is it possible? Because the mechanism is so fundamental.

PectaSol will help healthy tissue remodeling and cellular support. It will support cardiovascular and kidney health, liver and lung health, brain health. It will balance the immune function. Why? Because galectin-3 is an alanine. It stays on and it doesn’t shut down, and that’s really what spirals the cytokine storm. And it supports detoxification. It’s a very effective chelator of heavy metal. We published multiple papers. It also can pull out certain mycotoxins, and it’s synergistic with other therapies. And that’s why it’s a fundamental supplement everybody needs to really aid into the program.

For some people, it will make a difference in days. For some people, it takes months. Depends on our structure. But because aging and abnormal aging is driven by galectin-3, addressing it is so fundamental to our health. So if you look at my health programs 20 years ago, some patients got modified citrus pectin PectaSol. Some didn’t. Even if I was researching it today, it’s the first supplement in every program. And not because I have something to do with it and I developed. It’s because the data is understanding is really supporting it.

Michael Roesslein:

I couldn’t believe. I’ve been studying nutrition and functional health for only about 12 years, so not 35, but I have read a lot of books, I’ve interviewed a lot of people, I’ve watched a lot of things, I’ve been through master’s programs, I’ve studied a lot. I had never heard of galectin-3 before somebody gave me your book.

It was never anything that I’ve ever heard that came up in any interview I’ve ever listened to or that I’ve been a part of. I have never read it in another book. And I get halfway through his book, and you’ve convincingly linked it to overactivation of galectin-3 to just about every single chronic health condition that somebody can have from accelerated aging to heart disease. I love the explaining how it creates the microenvironments around the tumors, which allows the tumors to grow and all these things. And I’m like, “How is this possible that I’ve never heard about this? I’ve never heard anybody else talking about this?”

So I thought for a second like, “Hmm. He talks a lot about galectin-3, formulated a product that removes galectin-3. What’s going on here?” So I looked it up, and I did. I found endless articles on galectin-3 and links to chronic diseases and links to advanced aging and cellular problems. It was endless how much information there was, and I have no idea why I’ve not heard anybody else talk about it. I don’t understand it. Maybe you know-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yeah, yeah.

Michael Roesslein:

… but I have no idea.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

It’s a great point, Michael. It’s a great point. Partly, it’s my responsibility because I was so devoted and focused on treating people and on research, and I can speak. I’m not shy about it. Many of my colleagues say, “My God, my gosh. This is the best-kept secret in town.” So what I’m doing right now-

Michael Roesslein:

It really is.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

… it’s my time to put it out. So it’s very unusual, especially in the nutritional supplement world where supplement developed almost 30 years ago is finally getting the attention. Usually, things get hyped and then they die out. It’s a beginning, but we have build a foundational research that nobody can argue with.

For example, the effect of modified citrus pectin on biochemical relapse of prostate cancer, we just published a multicenter trial with almost 80% response. And now, we are publishing a longer-term follow-up where the patient who stayed for a longer time, 90% response going to be published in the next few months. It’s time now to really share it, and I’m trying to share it within the context of The Survival Paradox. It takes [inaudible 00:15:19]-

Michael Roesslein:

Mm-hmm. Yeah. The book is really… It’s so much more in depth than we can get into in this presentation-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:


Michael Roesslein:

… today. Parts of it I read two or three times because it’s very impressive. The clarity with which it’s taught and your case studies in the book are amazing too. I would highly recommend if this topic of galectin-3 is interesting to you and you’ve not heard of it and you want to explore something new that’s going to open all kinds of doors, check out his book, The Survival Paradox. So you go ahead. I didn’t mean to interrupt so much. I just-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

No, no, of course.

Michael Roesslein:

… I had to say that I was so blown away. Confused at first and then blown away, and then I looked it up, and I saw all these studies and I’m like, “Oh, man. People need to start talking about this more.” And it is. It’s a fundamental thing that anybody that’s dealing with pretty much any kind of issues would probably see some benefit from adding it in and letting it do its work. Because your point on the bottom of your last slide, I think, was synergistic with other therapies. And yeah, so I’ll get out of the way. I just had to share my own experience of my light bulb going off while I was reading your book and the process.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yes, of course. It’s a very common response I get. And also, when I’m interviewed with doctors and they realized, “Wow. It’s so much bigger because each person has a specialty, so they use it for whatever they’re doing, so I’m glad that they have the opportunity to really put the word out, and I’m putting it very, very actively, of course.

So how to use the product? Very important. There are three tiers of dosing. It’s always good at least for a certain period of time to use a full dose or 15 grams a day, nine capsules twice a day or 1.5 scoops. It comes in regular. No flavor, lime flavor. There are capsules. And so, if somebody’s, let’s say, under 40, they’re really healthy, then one scoop of day as a maintenance can really work.

But if you want to enhance your benefit, let’s say have joint issues, you want to support detoxification, you really need to do one scoop twice a day. For people with more serious concerns, immune issues, oncological, nutritional support, aging, a serious issue in internal organs, you want to go to the full dose of 1.5 scoops. There is no any contraindications.

The only reason not to take the full dose, if somebody is in very advanced kidney failure. They’re literally pre-dialysis because then, they may not be able to clear the potassium, which is naturally present in citrus and is present in this product. But it’s really in there… You will find different kind of effect. For some people, their memories improve. For some people, their joint health is improved. It’s a very good prebiotics, which also helps the digestion.

The other product I want to focus and truly excited about is GlyphoDetox. So this, again, we all know about the toxic effects of pesticides. And in Europe, including in Italy, glyphosate is banned. It’s not allowed to be used. And we now have an epidemic of gluten sensitivity. And many people will tell you that when they go to Europe and they eat pasta and they eat breads on their great trip to Italy, they have no gluten sensitivity. And when they come back, it’s all back. The reason is we are being poisoned by glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the most commonly used pesticides. And again, it’s not in isolation, of course. Glyphosate is delivered in different formulations, which are very toxic and unregulated. So many countries now ban the use of glyphosate. Mexico just was added to the list. In United States, for example, about 330 million pounds, million pounds, of glyphosate are used every single year, which means one pound per person.

And if you live in the Midwest next to the cornfields or the soya fields, wow, you get much more. And glyphosate disrupts the gut wall, creating leaky gut, dysbiosis. It affects the brain by being, because it’s very similar to glycine, which is the neuroprotective amino acid, the smallest one, it becomes a neurotoxic excitatory factor. It affects organ function, for example, greater damage to the kidneys. It has effect on cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, leukemias. And again, and this comes in the package with other pesticides with mycotoxins and with industrial toxins.

So then I realized, “Wow, we were programmed,” Michael, “to accept that a little bit of pesticide it’s okay. If you are poisoned a little bit, it’s okay.” Well, it’s actually not okay. So we created this unique product that really addresses binding of pesticides, mycotoxins, helps the healthy gut level and helps the mitochondrial function. And my thinking about this product was the following. Pesticides affect all our kingdom of existence. It affects our plants and, as a result, the meat we eat if we eat meat. It affects our water, and it affects our soil. But nature is wise. It always provides for solutions from the same place.

So I picked compound from all these places. One of the key compounds fulvic acid from Shilajit. It’s a unique clay that is produced through water, going through rocks for tens of millions of years. And it has the ability to bind glyphosate and other toxin. It has the ability to support the microbiome, reduce leaky gut, support the detoxification, but it also enhances mitochondrial function in brain health, and it delivers a lot of healthy minerals to the body.

Then, I’m using kelp, which is an amazing water plant. Amazing. Actually, it’s one of the solution for healthy biofuel. It consumes carbon. It binds to glyphosate and other toxins. It reduces leaky gut, but it also delivers organic iodine and other minerals that can exchange with fluoride, chloride, bromide, which is again, a major pesticide addition and support thyroid, protects against radiation. So this is the live part of the formula. Fulvic acid, Shilajit, is part of a mineral that has life within it that is movement and kelp.

And then, we use regular citrus pectin. If you remember, I mentioned when it’s high molecular weight unique structure, it can actually bind to pesticide and toxin in the gut, including DDT. It gives prebiotic support for microbiome balance in gut wall, and it reduces leaky gut. And then glycine, which competes with glyphosate in the brain, in the joints, in the connective tissues and supports the production of glutathione, our main antioxidant.

And alginate, which specifically binds through toxin and pesticides to mycotoxins and also to positively charged heavy metals and prevent reabsorption of toxins. It’s a very holistic formula and as part of what we do, we always do research. Remember? So it’s interesting. There are so many products for detox. Nobody researched them. So we’re doing a large clinical trial, but that’s the first four subjects.

And so then, average level in the population of glyphosate in the urine is around the level of the green that you’re seeing. So again, 93% of the people have glyphosate in the urine. You have glyphosate on your pillow. Most foods have glyphosate. You can’t control it. You can see how after six weeks, so these are people living in the Midwest, as we’re doing the studies, they’re being exposed to glyphosate because it’s spraying time. And you can see a dramatic reduction. You can see the reduction is proportionate to how high it was in the beginning. So we’re really bringing them to normal level.

This is life-changing because high glyphosate will disrupt metabolic function and insulin resistance and diabetes and cancers and weight gain because of leaky gut, and the gut-brain connection. So I’m very excited. And now, we are continuing our study. We just got our results for mycotoxin on these four people and the main mycotoxin called ochratoxin, we were able to reduce it at different levels in all four of this subject. Very exciting.

Again, nobody checks this. And I think once we finish a big study on this, I think it’s going to become one of the main supplements people use because we are becoming poisoned by pesticides, by heavy metals, by industrial, and environmental pollutants. For example, airplane MTBE byproducts. All of this is affecting us. This, with the stress of life, with lack of sleep, with EMF, with so much tension in the world and divisiveness that also creates a sense of fight of struggle and trigger the survivor products drives disease.

So in my work, I look at it from a very holistic point of view, and I show in my retreats how I can change and support people transforming their own health through meditation and healing. In the same time, we have to take care and address the very biochemical physical level. So I’m very excited about this.

How to use this product. If you’re not highly sensitive, if you’re not somebody with mast cell activation or severe allergies, you start right away with two capsules twice a day, early morning and after dinner, preferably before bedtime. If you are very sensitive, you start with one capsule a day and build up. We have some amazing testimonials of what it does for people with a gut disruption, with fogginess in the head for decades as a result of the gut-brain connection, which is fundamental to Chinese medicine of course.

But now, the world is waking up. So it’s a great product. Works very well together with PectaSol on a systemic effect. So the beauty with PectaSol, you’re removing toxins but you’re regulating the hyper inflammation that happens when you have other binders. That’s why it’s unique, it’s special, and this is a very powerful combination for mycotoxin and for chronic health issues.

Michael Roesslein:

Beautiful. There was a huge study that went pretty viral a couple weeks ago that came out, maybe last week even, that demonstrated over 80% of those subjects had glyphosate in their urine. It was done in the US, and it was actually picked up by the mainstream media. I saw it all over the place, which usually they sweep something like that under the rug.

So it was exciting to see because I know that, I know that everybody has glyphosate in their urine, but to see it publicly shared was pretty impressive. And I also saw a study a year or two ago that came out and made a lot of waves because they tested a bunch of organic wines from California, and they all had glyphosate in them and they were saying, “How could this be?” Because they don’t use glyphosate, and it’s because it’s so prevalent, how much of it is sprayed and how much of it is used? Especially in that area where the Central Valley is and where the wine country is that it doesn’t matter. It gets on that wine.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

You are so right because glyphosate in a flat area, it will travel 10 to 15 miles, so 20, 25 kilometers. Okay?

Michael Roesslein:


Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

So it doesn’t matter if you’re organic. It’s enough that if you’re miles away they’re doing it. So indeed, that’s very important point. And Michael, they say first they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then they say, “Oh, it’s self-evident.” So now it’s-

Michael Roesslein:


Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

… now it’s moving to the self-evident, which is nice. It’s okay. No problem.

So ecoDetox is a unique product in that it provides in-depth liver detox and the different detox products. But what’s unique about this products that it’s based on understanding of what is needed for effective detoxification. So effective detoxification is not enough just to detoxify the liver. You also have to give the protective nutrients, minerals and nutrients to support the detox.

So this product is multiple methyl donors, multiple sulfured amino acid donors, and from a Chinese medicine point of view, different ones affect different organ system. For example, MSM has a liver-to-digestion and skin relationship. NAC has a lever-to-lung relationship. It’s a very unique thinking but one of the key things when you detoxify, you want to make sure that you’re also supporting the elimination organs. So we use different botanicals for this, but also you want to support energy and circulation. Very important and often overlooked.

All of this is reflected in this product. And so, it has some classical herbs, but it really has different… For example, once the detox system is working, you can use cilantro to clear mercury from the brain. You can use lipoic acid as a key antioxidant because the elimination pathways, once you discharge, once you throw from the tissues into the circulation, you get to eliminate. And if you are supporting elimination, you’ll get a much more effective. This is a formula I’ve worked on for many years, and so this is when you are detoxifying, you’ll take three capsule twice a day. It can be for a few weeks. It can be for a few months. Once you feel that you’re in a better shape, you can take a break or you use two capsules once a day. It’s enough.

And then again, for detoxification in general, which is a topic close to my heart and in my book, I talked about in The Survival Paradox, what it is, about galectin-3, about the effect on metabolism and circulation, what modified citrus pectin, about how to transform it from our heart. And then, I go over every major disease category like you said. But in my solution, there are three different types of detoxification, and I explained detox in a deep way. Healing our scald of survival, genetic, epigenetic. And then, how we’re freed by opening our heart.

So within it, there are certain seasons that are geared towards detoxification if you are not dealing with an acute issue. They are the spring and the fall. So during these seasons, it’s good to do a more extensive detox for a few weeks. And then, you can just take the ecoDetox one or two once a day with meals just to keep supporting the detoxification.

Michael Roesslein:

Real quick. I might have missed it, but how long did you say for that more intensive dosing before going to a maintenance level for most people?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

I would say for a person who is healthy or just does it on a seasonal basis, like in months, for people who have chronic detox backup, then they’ll do it for two, three months.

Michael Roesslein:


Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

And then-

Michael Roesslein:

Sounds good. And this is a super comprehensive formula. I spent over a month researching and vetting products to bring into our shop from all kinds of different producers and companies and brands. And I wanted one super comprehensive formula that covered all the bases.

And you mentioned not just the liver and all the different angles and the different avenues that it can be supported. And this was by far the most well-rounded detoxification support product I found. And so kudos for putting together a great recipe, because I’ve never seen all the stuff that’s in here in one formula before. I’ve taken several products at once in the past, that equaled similar if you added them all up. But all in one spot, this is extremely good all-in-one, well-rounded detox product.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Thank you. Yeah. We’ve put a lot of time into formulating it. It’s a combination of insight and then research support. This took about three years until we finished the formulation.

Then, I want to talk about our ecoMetabolic, addressing healthy sugar metabolism, addressing healthy metabolism in general. Now, this is very important because abnormal metabolism is the root of every chronic disease. The survival response affects inflammation, disrupts metabolism. For example, galectin-3 will activate macrophage, which are the immune cells that clean what it needs to be cleaned. They will create an inflammatory environment which will then disrupt insulin receptors on the cell and you get abnormal sugar metabolism, abnormal mitochondrial function, and everything goes down here.

When you address metabolism, then you will affect healthier cholesterol, healthier sugar balance, and sustainable energy because your mitochondria is working normally. And of course, it will affect your body weight and will reduce sugar cravings. But I want a little bit dive deeper into it, and it’s really important. So the formula has a number of classical herbs for balancing a sugar metabolism, but it also provides the different nutrients and herbs that will balance damage for abnormal sugar metabolism. Really important.

If we look at diabetes for a second, diabetes you have a lot of sugar in the blood, but you have it in the blood because it’s not coming into the cell in a normal way. Our cell is actually in the state of starvation, of survival, when we have abnormal sugar metabolism. And as such, not being nourished properly, it creates side effects on our vascular system, on our endocrine system, on our immune system, et cetera.

There are certain herbs that help to moisturize and protect the different organ system in such imbalance, and they’re part of this formulation. That’s what’s unique about this formulation. And we’re using very specific medicinal mushrooms that are known to protect the body in times of imbalance metabolism. And certain thing, blood taurine affects not only liver but also brain function, eye function, which is important.

And berberine is the key compound in this formula, and we don’t have to use as high of a dose because of the synergistic effect. It’s one of the beauties that we have published on different formulas. If you look at berberine, it will regulate something called AMPK, adenosine-monophosphate kinase, which helps normal mitochondrial energy production from a glucose absorbed into the cell.

And so, it will have established work in diabetes, but it also will have a lot of research in cancer because the same metabolic abnormality will drive cancer, will drive metabolic imbalance, and the same with a drug like Metformin, which is used for diabetes. And there’s a lot of work in anti-aging and in cancer, and the same with a compound called honokiol, that I do a lot of work with, from magnolia. It’s even to a greater extreme. So I want people to really understand the synergistic effects, how when you address metabolic issues, you get multiple benefits.

So for this product, if you have metabolic imbalance, you take two capsules twice a day. If you really already have a health issue with glucose metabolism, then you want to go up for nutritional support, you can even do three twice a day. And then once things are balanced, you can take one or two a day, even one twice a day, just as a maintenance.

So this is a little bit about the different product that I mentioned that we discussed today. I’ll get out of the sharing and just [inaudible 00:37:54]-

Michael Roesslein:

That was great. Thank you. I spent probably the most time trying to figure out what blood sugar support I wanted to add to the shop too, because we didn’t have one. And I know that blood sugar regulation… We have a lot of articles being written right now by some practitioner friends of mine and experts on different subjects.

And one is writing a series on mental health, and there’s a whole post on how blood sugar impacts mood and energy, and anxiety, and depression. Somebody else is writing a whole series on fertility, and there’s a whole post and article on blood sugar and how it impacts hormones and fertility. And what I’m noticing is that no matter… You can tie blood sugar dysregulation into almost every single chronic disease as well and cancer too. Dr. Nasha Winters is a integrative oncologist, and she’s been on our podcast a couple times, talked a ton about blood sugar dysregulation.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Right. She’s excellent.

Michael Roesslein:

Do you know Nasha?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yeah, yeah.

Michael Roesslein:

Yeah. She’s great. And so blood sugar comes up consistently, and I don’t think people realize, especially in the modern culture of wake up, drink your coffee, grab a donut, run out the door, go to work, or the kids breakfast cereals, those sugar cereals or those things, the impact that blood sugar dysregulation has on the rest of your day and on your mood and on your health. So I really wanted to get a great blood sugar support in there for people who are having issues there. We do have a handful of questions. Are you…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

No. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course, there are great. Well, really… I mean, you see the quality of the audience by the questions. Yeah. So maybe I can go over them. Yeah. There’s the question, is it safe to take PectaSol daily? Absolutely. It will not bind. We have shown that it does not deplete mineral. Remember, PectaSol gets absorbed into the system. It is actually a systemic chelator. We showed in study in China in children with toxic level of lead. How, when they were hospitalized when they took PectaSol, their level of lead in the urine skyrocketed, all of them, because they were excreting the lead and the levels in the blood went down. So definitely, there is no issue.

Preferred testing for heavy metals in my patients, you can either do a challenge test with the MPS, with six hours, four hours collection. It has side effects. So somebody who has done a lot of research on heavy metals, I almost go under the assumption that everybody has it. And sometime you can see it by thyroid imbalance. So for example, if you are reverse T3 to T3… Free T3 to reverse T3 there’s imbalance, which means reverse T3 is very high compared to T3, usually it points out to heavy metal imbalances.

But you can definitely do a challenge. If you are sensitive, make sure, especially if you do an IV challenge, that at the end of six hours, you get a vitamin C plus glutathione IV to help get rid of circulating heavy metals. And chelation can definitely complement the products, but remember PectaSol is an effective chelator. We’ve published reduction in mercury, reduction in lead, reduction in uranium. Okay? But it does it very gently over long terms. And because it does it, at the same time it reduces inflammation, and it doesn’t shift the heavy metal from one compartment to another, it is so safe. It doesn’t have the side effects of chelators.

But if you want to use a chelator because you have really toxic levels, I do a lot of this work with therapeutic apheresis, I’m pioneer in this field, then of course, but combine it with the use of PectaSol. Yeah, you can definitely use other binders. You can see them in my GlyphoDetox, I combined different binders. You want binders that can address negatively charged and positively charged heavy metals. And that’s the uniqueness of GlyphoDetox.

You can combine, but you really have to understand there are binders and there is PectaSol. And I do a lot of work with some of the leaders in mycotoxin and people who work with binders, and it takes a lot of work for me to educate them that it’s not another binder because of galectin-3. But once they see the results, they understand. For example, there are some very large clinics where all the Lyme clinics, Lyme disease, where all the Lyme patients on PectoSol. Why? It prevents the Alzheimer response. It prevents the inflammation.

So yeah. Galectin-3 test, can you test? Yes. It’s a very inexpensive test. It’s an ELISA. It’s covered in United States by every insurance. The issue with it is that when it was approved by the FDA in 2011, it was a manual test that showed a higher result in the automated test, and it was based on patient with heart failure, significant heart failure. These patients often have kidney disease, and they cannot get rid of the galectin-3. And therefore, the standards are much higher in the test.

For me, anything above 12 is already an issue. And I probably have more experienced with galectin-3 testing with anyone, anywhere in the world from a clinical point of view. But you don’t take PectaSol based on galectin-3 level, I want to emphasize, because certain people because of genetic predisposition, because of MMP-9s will have more monomers, single galectin-3, and certain people will have more pentamers. But the detection system, if it’s one or it’s five, it counts it as one.

The reason for testing is if you see correlation between galectin-3 levels and severity of condition, it’s a good way to follow. And if you are really healthy, “Wow,” I say, “Maybe I don’t need it. I’ll take five grams.” And you test, and my God, you come back over 16, 17, there is something going on and you go on a full dose. PectaSol doesn’t remove galectin-3. It blocks the carbohydrate recognition domain that causes a damaging effect of galectin-3. As your inflammation improves, your galectin-3 will go down. And there is a question… You can take the product with vitamin and probiotics, of course.

And somebody asked me about prostate. I do a lot of work with prostate, especially with prostate cancer, for decades and published on it. And yeah, there are different preparations that can be used for prostate.

Now about berberine disrupting the microbiome balance, it’s an interesting question. If it’s used in herbs like Huanglian, coptis, yes, but we don’t use it. I mean, if we have it in the formula, it’s in tiny, tiny amounts. Similar to effect of Metformin, within the context of this formula, it doesn’t. And the reason, there are many supportive digestive herbs in the formula and digestive mushrooms. That’s the uniqueness of sophisticated formulation.

On one level, I talked as a scientist, which I am, but certain products, for example, the ecoDetox, sometimes I don’t share it. Actually, it’s a product that came to me in a dream because I meditate a lot. And then, I woke up in the morning, I wrote the formula. Then, my researchers went, and it was quite amazing how the different ingredients really had merit. It still took us three years to finish the formula. So it started from a certain insight. When I formulate, I create a movement, a life, a dynamic. So that’s a difference between taking a single ingredient, isolate, compared to taking a formulation, which is life. And life for detox is really reflected.

So the question about chronic microscopic colitis, which surprisingly, it’s more common than people are aware. And so, it’s often driven by galectin-3. So I would start with MCP at a low dose, and then I would add the GlyphoDetox at a low dose and slowly build them up. And then, there’s another product. This is unique probiotic called ecoProbiotic that will change the environment of the gut. It’s a liquid. It works very well with PectaSol. But these conditions can be changed because often, it’s the leaky gut as the chronic inflammation that is driving all of this.

Now, somebody asked me about sulfur sensitivity. People who are sensitive to sulfur, like to sulfur drugs, there is rarely an issue with sulfur amino acid. Rarely. I know this because I, often in my IVs, give magnesium sulfate to these people, and I never see a reaction. So it’s not the same mechanism. I mean, sulfured amino acids are needed to detoxify. We can’t really phase one, phase two of the liver is dependent on this. And the products are free of soya and dairies of course.

Michael Roesslein:

Did you answer the one about the thyroid medication?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:


Michael Roesslein:

Because it said the products function as binders.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:


Michael Roesslein:

How do you feel on thyroid? Because I think the PectaSol was before breakfast.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:


Michael Roesslein:

Would it need to be away from something like thyroid medications?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

It’s a very good question. And a lot of legendary mystical fear about thyroid medication having to be away from anything under the sun. So thyroid medication is a protein. It’s not a sugar, so it’s not an issue. But usually, what I recommend people do is take a thyroid medication first and wait 15, 20 minutes and then start taking everything else. We have to remember when our stomach is very empty after night, we absorb very quickly.

And you can definitely use PectaSol if you’re constipated. It’s rarely an issue. And then, what happens is that sometime because of the different electrolytes, the potassium and the sodium that are present is the buffers, you may get some bloating for the first few days. It will go away. It’s transient. Even in very sick people like in our studies on congestive heart failure, prostate cancer, metastatic disease, but you can start gradually and just find your dose.

As your inflammation in the gut goes down, you will tolerate it better. Michael, that’s a big issue. People often stop supplements because they start getting some mild reaction, and they’re afraid that it will go out of control. And that’s part of our survival response. We have one symptom and our mind ties it to a chain of other symptoms based on our past experience. Very common in mast cell activation. People are already anticipating something will go wrong. Part of our healing is to just let go of these concepts. But in general, PectaSol is extremely, extremely, extremely safe.

Now, for someone with advanced kidney disease, PectaSol is the most important product. But if their eGFR is under 20 and people who are asking know this, then they should start with five to seven and eight grams a day. And then, if they don’t have any retention of fluid, they can go up to 10 grams. Above 20, they can go on a full dose.

The other product to aid the kidney to chronic kidney disease is a GlyphoDetox because glyphosate affects kidney function. Direct relationship with chronic kidney disease. I do a lot of work with kidney. I publish on kidney disease. And in my practice, I’m successful in reversing chronic kidney disease. Not a lot of cases, but in all of them. It takes work. It takes a more intense treatment like therapeutic apheresis, but kidney disease is a treatable condition. That’s part of my NIH grant, and I’m going to show it that kidney disease can be reversed. Not always, but many, many times. In early disease, it’s easy.

And somebody’s asking about fatty liver, again NAFLDs and NASH is galectin-3 driven, well known, luckily, some drugs in trial for these galectin-3 blockers. So yes, modified citrus pectin can be very helpful in reducing toxic burden with ecoDetox and with GlyphoDetox.

So I think we’re able to answer all the questions.

Michael Roesslein:

Perfect. All of them really quick, right down the line. Thank you so much. I would love to have you back to have another chat and talk more about your time in the Himalayas, the impact that you see mind-body practices have on health, meditation on health, and we’ll call it the other side of healing. It’s unique. Your levels of expertise in different things is rather unique. I know people I can talk to about that stuff who don’t know anything about physiology and supplements and protocols and research.

And I know people on the supplement, protocol, research, and who have never meditated for a moment in their life, and don’t really know much about the mind-body connection to health. And I love the way that that’s tied in your book, and it’s the reason that Darcy badgered me until I finally was like, “Okay. I will email him. I need…” She’s like, “You have to talk to him.” So I would love to have you come back and we can have another chat and go to the other side of things-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Of course.

Michael Roesslein:

… because I want to really present a holistic-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Of course. Yeah, yeah. It’s not something. It’s really my… I mean, I’m wrapping up some research thing, and now I’m in a big journey because I think we have a solution for sepsis. That’s the NIH grant I got, and it’ll take me a few years. But then, my third act is just sharing my heart because when I say training, I mean I live in nature. And I have a very simple hut in the woods where I would spend hours a day, sleep one night a week, a very supportive partner in life, my wife and family, and go away for two to three months for 20 years and just be on my own.

So I learned a few things there, and all these complex and very esoteric meditation teachings boils down to opening our heart and realizing the healing power of the heart. And interesting enough, galectin-3 has special damage on how it becomes fibrotic. It becomes hardened. And so our heart is our biggest healer, and we have to connect with it. And I would love to talk about it. As you can see, you don’t have to convince me about it.

Michael Roesslein:

Right. I would love to. So thank you for coming on. This was a great presentation. I’m so excited to be partnered with ecoNugenics and have these new products in the shop. And I put the links in the chat to their specific brands shop. And I’d love to add some more. They got a great line. So in the future, we’ll add some more in there. I was limited. I couldn’t put everything I wanted in right now. I had to be very selective, and I figured I was looking for very specific, well-rounded products that can help a ton of people. And PectaSol is the real deal. That’s the one too.

If I was working with clients, again, that would be top of the list of any protocol that I made just as a general support that’s going to help everything else. And the uniqueness of the GlyphoDetox, there’s not a lot of people even trying to address that problem out there and-

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

We have to. It’s an underlying current. Yes, of course. So we’ll be talking more in the future.

Michael Roesslein:

For sure. So thank you so much, and we’ll talk soon. Thanks for the time.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz:

Yeah. Thank you.


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

About our Guest

Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a leading expert in the field of integrative medicine, specializing in cancer, detoxification, immunity, and complex conditions. He is a respected physician, researcher, best-selling author, educator, and mind-body practitioner. Dr. Eliaz partners with leading research institutes including Harvard, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Columbia, and others, to co-author studies on integrative therapies for cancer, heavy metal toxicity, and others. He is founder and Medical Director of Amitabha Medical Clinic in Santa Rosa, CA, where he has pioneered the use of therapeutic apheresis as an adjunctive blood filtration treatment for detox and chronic degenerative conditions.

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