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Wellness Optimization Series Episode 1: Natural Supports for Immunity, Lungs, and Stress with Dr. Maya Shetreat

Neurologist, Herbalist, and Medicine Woman, Dr. Maya Shetreat shares many simple, practical tips and suggestions for optimizing immunity, supporting healthy lungs/breathing, and reducing overall stress – including some things you might even find in your own backyard!

Click here to watch Dr. Maya’s entire 5-part video series!


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Dr. Maya Shetreat

About our Guest

We live in a world that wants you to shut down and show up. A world that doesn’t value authenticity. A world that doesn’t celebrate your feelings, intuition, inner knowing, or natural rhythms. A world where the language around ancestors, healing, rituals, the sacred, and all things mystical and magic has been all but erased.

But just because these topics are taboo doesn’t mean they’re not there. We feel them. We miss them. We long for them. And we suffer because we’re not able to talk about these essential, very real parts of ourselves.

It’s what happens when you share something you’ve observed in your own body with your doctor and are told “That’s impossible!”
When you know something with absolute certainty—whether from your inner voice, a powerful dream, or some other way—only to get laughed at because “it couldn’t be proven by science.”

When you talk about your intuition and are roundly shut down.

Hi, I’m Dr. Maya. I’m a conventionally-trained pediatric neurologist. I’m also an herbalist, and author of The Dirt Cure. I’m weird, and I’M PROUD OF IT.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to suffer as you’ve been suffering. I want to help you feel connected to yourself and to the world around you. I want to show you how Mother Earth can be a source of joyful, mutual healing.

I grew up very much at home in nature. In a time with no cell phones, I explored in nature for hours, barefoot, dirt under my fingernails, playing by a creek in the forest, and climbing rocks and trees like a little goat. I grew a garden and talked to the plants as I harvested them.

I felt the grief of trees when they were cut. I loved animals, especially wild birds.

And I built altars—beautiful sacred spaces with bits of beautiful nature—though no one ever showed me how and I couldn’t have said what they were. In short, I was a little empath.

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