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Wellness Optimization Series Episode 8: Oral Health, Systemic Inflammation & His Cancer Journey with Dr. Al Danenberg

Dr. Al Danenberg is an inspiration, simply put. Diagnosed with advanced multiple myeloma, he embarked on a self-guided journey of healing – and is now doing great! A holistic/functional dentist, Dr. Al will be sharing his story as well as discussing the connection between oral health, systemic inflammation, susceptibility to infection, and much more!

Questions to Ask a Dentist:

Stress & Mouth Lesions

Dr. Al’s IABDM Training:

Dr. Al’s Unconventional Cancer Protocols – (Download PDF)

International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine:

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology:


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Dr. Al Danenberg

About our Guest

Meet Dr. Al Danenberg, DDS
Periodontist | Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner | Balanced Metabolic Coaching

After an incurable multiple myeloma diagnosis, Dr. Al Danenberg wasn’t supposed to make it to see 2019, let alone be thriving right now. With nothing to lose, and everything to gain, he developed a plan that evolved into his 11 Unconventional Cancer Protocols, combing in-depth research of ancestral nutrition & lifestyle changes with his knowledge from 44 years of as a periodontist. Now, he focuses on helping others regain control of their health.

“Dr. Al” as he’s known by his friends, patients and community, consults with patients all over the world (virtually via Zoom or Skype) regarding animal-based nutrition, lifestyle, oral & overall health, and the importance of a healthy gut and immune system.

In June 2014, Dr. Al received the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) designation as well as the certification as a Certified Primal Health Coach. In 2015, he was appointed to the faculty of the College of Integrative Medicine and created the college’s integrative periodontal teaching module. Then, in April 2017, Dr. Al earned the designation of “ADAPT Trained Health Professional” from Kresser Institute.

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