FidoSpore: Everything You Need to Know

Having a dog in your life is not only beneficial to your own mental health but also really helpful for your microbiome. Dogs in particular improve, diversify and strengthen the human gastrointestinal tract and microbiome. This occurs when pups get an itch to see and explore their natural environment. There they collect microbes in their nose and fur, and bring them back into your home…

Gut-Specific Fish Oil Supplement: Everything You Need to Know

This Gut-Specific Fish Oil is the most comprehensive, full-spectrum fish oil scientifically formulated to support a healthy gut microbiome with a superior ratio of EPA, DHA, and DPA to support healthy immune and gut barrier function. This product is specifically formulated with higher EPA content than DHA content to support a healthy gut…

RestorFlora: Everything You Need to Know

RestoraFlora is a spore and yeast based probiotic formulated to enhance the effectiveness of MegaSporeBiotic. It helps reduce digestive symptoms associated with antibiotic therapy plus many more gastrointestinal concerns…

Fibrenza Series 12: Lipase Enzyme

Lipase enzymes break down and metabolize fats. Your body makes different types of lipases, it targets different types of fats, and converts fats into different types of fatty acids, and it’s very important to have lipases within your gut itself because…

Enzyme Series 11: Amylase Enzyme

Ever heard that digestion begins in the mouth? Read on to learn more about the important role of amylase in saliva and digestion.

Enzyme Series 10: Superoxide Dismutase

Superoxide dismutase, or SOD is important for detoxification and oxidative damage. Why might one find superoxide dismutase in a systemic enzyme product, or what does it do? Why would we want to take it, possibly? Keep reading to find out…

Enzyme Series 9: Serrapeptase Enzyme

Serrapeptase can be made in the gut, so it can be natural. But it’s typically found in silkworms to break out of the cocoon. It’s known to have anti-inflammatory, antiedemic effects, and…

Enzyme Series 8: Trypsin Enzyme

Trypsin is also made by the pancreas and is a digestive enzyme. It also works well against things like osteoarthritis and reducing joint inflammation. In some places they use it for…

Enzyme Series 7: Pancreatin Enzyme

Pancreatin is actually kind of a collection of a few different enzymes. Their primary role is for digestion. Your body secretes a couple liters of pancreatin throughout the day into the duodenum itself through the pancreas. Their primary role is in digesting food and breaking down…

Enzyme Series 6: Pepain Enzyme

Ever been to a Brazilian steakhouse? Well pepain is usually served via papaya to help you digest all that meat! Turns out there are many benefits of pepsin for digestion and…

Enzyme Series 5: Seaprose Enzyme

Seaprose is a very powerful proteolytic enzyme. From mucus build up to gout and inflammation, seaprose has many benefits. Continue reading to learn more..

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