Microbiome & Gut Health

FidoSpore: Everything You Need to Know

Having a dog in your life is not only beneficial to your own mental health but also really helpful for your microbiome. Dogs in particular improve, diversify and strengthen the human gastrointestinal tract and microbiome. This occurs when pups get an itch to see and explore their natural environment. There they collect microbes in their nose and fur, and bring them back into your home…

[Webinar Replay] FODMAPs Made Simple – The Missing Piece of Your Digestive Puzzle with Kiran Krishnan

Have you been diagnosed with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Do you suffer from mysterious bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive symptoms? Are you a practitioner who works with individuals who fit the above descriptions? Have you heard of FODMAPs, but really have no idea what they are, why they can be difficult to digest, and/or what to do about the situation? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, or if you want to simply understand these things on a deeper level than you already do…

Gut-Specific Fish Oil Supplement: Everything You Need to Know

This Gut-Specific Fish Oil is the most comprehensive, full-spectrum fish oil scientifically formulated to support a healthy gut microbiome with a superior ratio of EPA, DHA, and DPA to support healthy immune and gut barrier function. This product is specifically formulated with higher EPA content than DHA content to support a healthy gut…

RestorFlora: Everything You Need to Know

RestoraFlora is a spore and yeast based probiotic formulated to enhance the effectiveness of MegaSporeBiotic. It helps reduce digestive symptoms associated with antibiotic therapy plus many more gastrointestinal concerns…

Total Gut Restoration: Restore Gut Health and Improve Gut Microbiome

This introductory post outlines the basics of the Total Gut Restoration Trio protocol. Including the ingredients in each product; roles and benefits each product plays in gut restoration and recommendations to use for complete synergy for total gut restoration. What is Total Gut Restoration? A healthy gut microbiome is dependent on three fundamental aspects: …

Autoimmune Masterclass 2024

Autoimmune Masterclass brings together 17 of the world’s leading doctors, researchers, and experts on autoimmune diseases who each present their own mini-class on autoimmunity.

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