
megaspore probiotics benefits

The Science Behind MegaSporeBiotic Spore-Based Probiotics

Take a stroll down the aisle of a supplement store or do a quick online search in an attempt to figure out which probiotic supplement to buy, chances are you’ll be bombarded with dozens of different products – all claiming to have incredible health-boosting benefits. But how do you sift through all of these products and truly determine which probiotic is right for you?

[Webinar Replay] Professional Training Best Practices with Healthy Gut Products

We are joined by gut health expert, Steve Wright, to cover best practices for the Health Gut Co. products – a professional quality gut and digestion support line. This webinar is useful for any health practitioners and anyone looking to learn best practices for their own use.

This webinar will cover formulas, product function, efficacy, benefits, and best practices for use in health protocols.

[Product Spotlight] Somnium: Deep Restorative Sleep

Sleep is required to maintain your immune system, regulate appetite and metabolism, and support cardiovascular health. Also, with Dr. Schaffner’s patients, it can be a “Catch-22” because sleep is needed to heal, but they can’t sleep because of their chronic illness. Fortunately, there have been recent advancements to support restorative deep sleep…

[Webinar Replay] Stomach Acid: The Key to Less Bloating, Constipation, and Heartburn

Learn the truth about stomach acid, it’s role in optimal digestion, how many people are deficient, how it protects us from pathogens, and much more!! During this training, you will learn: How (and why) low stomach acid production is implicated in IBS, SIBO, H. Pylori Overgrowth, how adequate levels of stomach acid are essential to optimal digestion and protect us from pathogens of all kinds, and how stomach acid levels impact nutrient absorption – including vitamins, minerals, and more…

[Webinar Replay] New Research on the Gut-Brain Connection & Psychobiotics with Kiran Krishnan

We are joined by our favorite microbiologist, Kiran Krishnan, to discuss some exciting new discoveries and research pertaining to the powerful gut-brain connection. Kiran shares how a dysfunctional gut becomes toxic to your brain, driving mood, focus, sleep, and memory problems!
Learn the intimate connection between the gut and brain (and how it’s actually the “first” brain – and not the second), the 2 biggest drivers of brain toxicity that come from gut dysbiosis, and how a perpetual cycle of gut-brain inflammation drives mood and sleep disorders! Want to know how to end this cycle and stop the escalating toxicity on the brain? Tune into this webinar replay!

mega igg 2000 side effects and reviews

Mega IgG 2000: The Clinical Research

Did you know? The raw material in MegaIgG2000 has 57 studies (43 of which are human clinical trials) and binds to microbial/fungal/viral antigens, including lipopolysaccharides (LPS), H-Pylori, C-Diff toxin A and B, E.Coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and more…

MegaIgG2000™ provides outstanding support for complex, symptomatic patients who need to get their diverse issues under control. It is a go-to product for those needing digestive and gut permeability support.

Want to see the research? Click Here …

Gut-Specific Fish Oil Supplement: Everything You Need to Know

This Gut-Specific Fish Oil is the most comprehensive, full-spectrum fish oil scientifically formulated to support a healthy gut microbiome with a superior ratio of EPA, DHA, and DPA to support healthy immune and gut barrier function. This product is specifically formulated with higher EPA content than DHA content to support a healthy gut…

RestorFlora: Everything You Need to Know

RestoraFlora is a spore and yeast based probiotic formulated to enhance the effectiveness of MegaSporeBiotic. It helps reduce digestive symptoms associated with antibiotic therapy plus many more gastrointestinal concerns…

Autoimmune Masterclass 2024

Autoimmune Masterclass brings together 17 of the world’s leading doctors, researchers, and experts on autoimmune diseases who each present their own mini-class on autoimmunity.

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