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Someone cooking for us seems great but is meal delivery worth it? I understand it’s a time saver but does the food really taste that great when it’s microwaved in 2 minutes?


I grew up with a father as a restauranteur who insisted the family sit down together for dinner every night at 6PM. As a kid it was somewhat annoying; now, I’m beyond grateful for those moments and food is my passion. So, I’m sure you can imagine my disdain when I realized I couldn’t unbox my kitchen utensils because I had to move across state lines for the second time during 2020.


In the middle of my move I was answering the Rebel Health Tribe emails and received one about trying Factor_ prepared meal delivery.  With a little jealousy, I forwarded the email to Michael and expected his usual gracious “Thanks!”

I did not expect his response suggesting I try it.

The timing was perfect. It gave me something to look forward to and took away the stress of not being able to cook meals regularly.  I was excited for my first meal delivery experience … and honestly even more excited to tear it apart and criticize it.


See the thing is that most of us have this preconceived notion that meal delivery service is either (a) going to taste like cardboard, (b) the meals most likely taste no different than the ones in the freezer section at the local grocery store, and  (c) just downright too expensive. With that said, I patiently awaited my food box acting like Borris Badenov from Rocky and Bullwinkle.

The package was delivered right to my doorstep – on schedule. A major plus considering I would have been a crabby kid on Christmas if it arrived late. Impressive and minimalist in design, the box is made of mostly all recyclable packaging and the contents were fresh and cold as if I had pulled them out of the refrigerator myself.

So far A+ …


Upon opening the box, the meals were stacked nice and tight with ice packs. The colored labels kind of upped their game in terms of overall excitement of what was to come. On top of that, I received a surprise! Cold-pressed juice.

Now here’s the thing about juice – my nose scrunched up a bit because I have not found one premade cold-pressed anything worth writing home about. So… the merciless critic in me decided to crack one open while delving through my new box of goodies AND OH MY GOSH IT WAS AMAZING.


I can’t lie to you – it was delicious.

Here were the contents of my Factor­_ box:

Meal Boxes:

        Greek Lemon Chicken

        Keto Mushroom Burger*

        Chicken a la Vodka

        Green Pea Fennel Risotto*


Desserts/ Breakfast (another surprise to me):

        Keto Cheesecake – Strawberry Goat Cheese

        Keto Truffles – Coca Peanut Butter
(delicious balls of happiness that you kind of need to pace yourself eating because they really are that yummy..)

        Coconut Pancakes with Pineapple Butter
(you did not even need the syrup!)


Cold-Pressed Juices:

        Carrot Orange Ginger

        Apple Beet Ginger

        Apple Kale Wheatgrass

        Pineapple Tumeric Basil

My Initial Reaction:

I found that each meal was filling and tasty. My only preference is regarding the portion size for the sides. Some of the meals could have used a larger portion of vegetables because quite frankly they were delicious – but that is a small complaint with an easy solution. When you order through Factor_ you get to select your meals from their rotating menu. I never found myself needing a snack and the cold-pressed juice was a nice touch to tied me over. I genuinely looked forward to trying each meal. 


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My Two Favorites:
·    Keto Mushroom Burger

 o   In first place exceeding expectations… is this fantastic burger! I thought this would be entirely vegetarian based on the title but then I realized it was indeed a grass-fed beef burger with outstanding mushroom gravy. The meal came with a parmesan cauliflower mash that I’d willingly pay for the recipe – it was that good.


·    Green Pea and Fennel Risotto

 o   This meal tray of happiness was what I expected to be the worst one! The texture was on-point. I’m not sure if it was the zucchini & added sunflower seeds but this one was downright delicious.

Keto Mushroom Burger
Cocoa Peanut Butter Keto Truffles
Worth Noting:
The meals do freeze and heat up well. I was concerned about the Best By date and that I wouldn’t finish the last meal by then. I popped the container in the freezer. When I was ready, I heated it up using the defrost feature of my microwave for the usual 2-minute microwave time. It came out as if it were freshly made!
Factor_ charges between $11 and $15 per meal (or $60 to $198 per week), depending on how many meals you order. The more meals you get per week, the lower the per-meal price is. Shipping is Free!


I’m happy to report that Factor_ proved me wrong in all of my assumptions about meal delivery. I wholeheartedly believe in enjoying your food. Eating is a necessary part of our day. Every meal was great! I’m almost embarrassed to say that I kept all of the meal sleeves, just in case a meal popped up on their menu again. I’ve even purchased meals to get through the busy start of 2021 and this time I won’t be opening my box looking like Borris.


Overall Review:

Superseded expectations. Highly recommended for a busy person and definitely recommended for those who can’t cook. Delivered on schedule, fresh, & never frozen. Factor_ is a fantastic option for gluten-free and keto diets. A 2021 must try. Even if it’s just for a week!


Have any questions about my experience?
Email me!

Try the Factor_ Experience

Save $90 OFF your first three weeks of FACTOR!

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